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Important Announcement for 2024: No Price Increase / Reduced Lead Times

On behalf of everyone at DSE, Happy New Year and thank you for your continued trust in our products, confidence in our support and collaboration on a wide range of exciting projects throughout 2023.  

I am delighted to start 2024 with positive news. DSE has successfully driven efficiencies to levels that avoid raising 2024 product pricing and is offering significantly reduced lead times, due to increased levels of manufacturing automation. This is welcome news for customers. 

This year, the business is continuing to enhance its ‘Industry Leading Control Systems’ , creating technologies that set new industry standards in control & automation. These technologies, including the new advanced paralleling platform, the G8 Series, are on show at several global events over the coming months, starting with Middle East Energy, between 16-18 April, in Dubai. 

Here’s to a strong and dynamic 2024 for all.  

David Thomson

Controls & Automation Business Group President

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